Calling all aspiring cartographers and spatial thinkers! Interested in developing your map-making skills? Have some spare time during Senior Week? The Spatial Analysis Lab would like to invite Smith students, faculty, staff, and community to join us for a series of informal mapping workshops Tuesday – Friday of Senior Week (5/12-5/15). The workshops are open […]
Tag Archives: Community
April Update
See what work the Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) supported in the busy month of April 1. Class Support 2. Student Support 3. Campus Connections 4. Outreach 1. Class Support: Environmental Integration II: Collecting and Analyzing Information (ENV201/202): Final Presentations: One of the five student groups in 201/202 decided to focus their final project on looking at […]
Nepal Earthquake Response Mapping Follow-up Workshop
In response to the recent earthquakes in Nepal the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has provided an online mapping platform that allows volunteers to help map the infrastructure of the areas in Nepal effected by the earthquakes. Mapping road networks and structures is critically important to help responders navigate the area to provide assistance to those in […]
Contribute to the Smithie Summer Plans (and beyond!) Webmap
Take a look at our web map to see where Smith students are spending their summer 2015! Explore the interesting research that students will be conducting, the cool jobs students are heading off to work at, the exciting continuing education programs students have been accepted to, the adventurous travel plans students have in store, and the […]
Nepal Earthquake Response Mapping Workshop
In response to Saturday’s earthquake in Nepal the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has provided an online mapping platform that allows volunteers to help map the infrastructure of the areas in Nepal effected by the earthquake. Mapping road networks and structures is critically important to help responders navigate the area to provide assistance to those in […]
Winter Mystery Map Revealed
Answer Revealed: As many of you successfully guessed — our winter mystery map, themed: Annual Valley Event, was mapping… Valley Gives Day 2014! Making the Map The first map produced was the one used as the winter mystery map. […]
February 2015 Update (16th – 27th)
It has been a busy two weeks in the Spatial Analysis Lab. Read on to learn about our most recent support of GIS work across campus. 1. Class Support 2. Student Support 3. Faculty Support 4. Outreach 5. Campus Connections 1. Class Support We kicked off our work with Professor Camille Washington-Ottombre’s class Environmental Integration II: Collecting […]
Commercial Drones in Our Backyards?
Please join us for our Commercial Drones in Our Backyards event on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM in John M. Greene Hall, Smith College Campus. Consider: Will drones darken our skies? Are we subject to staying indoors if a drone flight is in our neighborhood? Will academics have space and opportunity to teach […]
Spring Semester Update (Jan 12 – Feb 13)
Snow or shine, the SAL is working hard this semester. See our most recent activity outlined below: 1. Class Support 2. Student Support 3. Faculty Support 4. Outreach 5. Campus Connections 1. Class Support We’ve been working with a Professor Camille Washington-Ottombre to design two new water related GIS labs for Environmental Integration II: Collecting and Analyzing Information (ENV201/202). […]
Ebola First Responder Mapping Workshop
Wednesday October 8, 7:00 pm in the Spatial Analysis Lab (Sabin-Reed 104) How can you help the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, the World Health Organization, and others fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa? By attending a free workshop to learn how to edit the map data necessary to coordinate the response effort. Once […]