November in Review

Well, November was quite a busy month. So busy,  in fact,  that we were unable to spend time writing weekly updates to post. Our review covers the entire month of November and is organized by type of work: Overview Class Support 1. Study of Women and Gender 230 2. Spaces of Mexico (SoMec) 3. ENV201/202 4. Soc232 Student […]

Bike Trail Mapping

The Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) recently finished the 2011 version of the “Easthampton ~ Northampton Trail & Bicycle Map” for the Friends of Northampton (MA) Trails and Greenways (FNTG) organization.  The 2011 series marks the third iteration of the map series which started back in 2006.  The Bike Map series represents countless hours of effort […]

Healthy Communities

The Spatial Analysis Lab provided mapping and spatial analysis to Cooley Dickinson Hospital (Northampton, MA) as part of their 2011 Community Health Assessment report.

Community Divided?

Mapping the comfortable margin of the Northampton Proposition 2 1/2 override tells a different story…