CrashPlan - A self-service, offsite, fully-encrypted, client backup system. The end user can backup up to to 4 computers each. | |
Digital Signage - Online flyers and announcements on large hallway displays. Contact your departmental administrator. Amy and Kristin are coordinators. Currently using a home grown setup. |
Div3Lists - Self service mailman server providing list services. Contact CATS to initiate a List and visit This is a good alternative to Google Groups. |
FileMaker Pro Server - Database server. With a mobile device "GO" and WebDirect access. Please contact the CATS group for additional information. |
GitLab - A remote server to store and sync your git repositories. For more information, please visit |
High Performance Computing (HPC) | |
Linux - Cats provides Linux desktops and servers. NEW for students is a Linux Mint VM available here. | |
MediaWiki - Collaborative document and information repository (think wikipedia!). The MediaWiki server is called sciwiki and can be found at For instructions on using MediaWiki, please visit |
MySQL - Open source database server. Hosted on server. Command line access by default (ssh). Ask about other options. |
Nasuni - New onsite network storage solution. Web access is available through or VPN. You can manually mount the volume on OS X using “Connect to Server” smb:// It will automatically map the drives on Windows. |
Overleaf - Online LaTeX editor. | |
Qualtrics - Online survey system. Accessible through the Smith portal. Examples include: SURF application, Fall Software survey. |
REDcap - REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. | | - Real-time code collaboration with google-docs like editing for faculty and students. | |
RStudio and Shiny Server - For more information on RStudio and Shiny Server visit | |
Vertere - Chemical ordering and tracking database. The database is located at Login |
Web Services - The CATS group offers standard HTML web hosting (including HTML5 support) to all of Div3 on:, the longest running web server on campus. For more information please visit: | |
WeBWorK - An open-source online homework system for math and sciences courses. | |
Wordpress - Blogging, website development, and content management service. For more information, please visit |