Classroom Computers & Lecterns

  • Automatically shutdown everyday
  • Screen savers disabled – displays shutoff after 10 mins


  • Set to sleep after inactivity
  • Set to double-sided or duplex printing as default
  • Release stations installed (no more forgotten print jobs)
  • Total number of network printers soon to be reduced by half (summer 2016); less plug load

Digital Signage

  • Foyer and Hallway displays auto shutdown and power on every week day.
  • Signage computers follow same power schedule
  • Greatly reduces use of paper flyers (soon to be banned)


  • Computers to be recycled are to be brought to the first floor of Bass Hall and left with CATS. 


  • Bass Data Center and CATS work room lighting upgraded to LED fixtures (reducing heat too)
  • All newly renovated classrooms (e.g., Bass 102, 105) lit with new LED fixtures.