Photos of igneous rocks with xenoliths of other rocks. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

Staurolite Porphyroblasts

xenolith-hs_001.Layered biotite schist xenolith in Williamsburg two-mica granodiorite, Northampton, MA, USA. The field of view is approximately 20 cm across.

Lawsonite Pseudomorph photo

xenolith-hs_002. Mafic igneous rock and layered metamorphic rock xenoliths in Hatfield tonalite, Northampton, MA, USA. US penny for scale.

Wollastonite Skarn Photo

xenolith-hs_003. Layered biotite schist xenolith in Williamsburg two-mica granodiorite, Northampton, MA, USA.