Photos of rocks with an abundance of mica, which requires an abundance of aluminum normally found in metamorphosed sedimentary (mud-rich) rocks. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

Mica-rich phyllite photo

micaRich-hs_001.An abundance of muscovite defines the good cleavage in this pale green chloritoid-chlorite-muscovite phyllite of the Pinny Hollow Fm, Pinny Hollow, VT, USA. The field of view is approximately 1 meter across.

Mica-rich phyllite photo

micaRich-hs_002. Crenulated cleavage surface of gray (graphite-bearing), muscovite-rich schist, Littleton Fm., Whately, MA, USA.

Muscovite-rich Schist photo

micaRich-hs_003. Light reflects from the muscovite-rich cleavage surfaces on this sample of staurolite-garnet schist, Gassetts, VT, USA. Smithsonian display (NMNH 116631). The photo is approximately 20 cm across.

Phenigite-rich Schist photo

micaRich-hs_004. Light reflects from the cleavage surfaces of phengite on this sample of kyanite-garnet-phengite whiteschist from the western Italian Alps. Centimeter grid for scale.