Photos of outcrops with pillow structures, elongated solid tubular features that commonly are slightly flattened and pillow-shaped in cross section. They are formed when lava flows under water. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

Basalt Pillow Structures

pillows_001. Photo of an outcrop of basalt pillow structures, SW Sithonia, Greece.

Basalt Pillow Structures

pillows_002. Photo of an outcrop of basalt pillows in cross-section, SW Sithonia, Greece

Basalt Pillow Structures

pillows_003. Photo of an outcrop of basalt pillows in cross-section, near Harford, CT, USA.

Basalt Pillow Structures

pillows_004. Photo of an outcrop of basalt pillows in cross-section, near Harford, CT, USA.

Basalt Pillow Structures

pillows_005. Photo of an outcrop of basalt pillows in pre-Cambrian rocks in Ontario, Canada.