Photos of sedimentary rocks showing characteristic sedimentary rock features. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

sediment folds in gneiss

sediment-hs_001. Cross-bedding in the Jurassic Turners Falls Formation, Turners Falls, MA, USA. The photo field of view is about 80 cm across.

Folded Biotite Zone Schist

sediment-hs_002. Another example of cross-bedding in the Jurassic Turners Falls Formation, Turners Falls, MA, USA.

Stretched Pebble Outcrop

sediment-hs_003. Mucracks filled with sand-sized grains in a mudstone of the Jurassic Turners Falls Formation, Turners Falls, MA, USA. There is a centimeter scale in the photo.

Folded Coticule Gneiss

sediment-hs_004. Ripple marks in an outcrop of the in the Jurassic Portland Fm., Dinosaur Footprints reservation, Holyoke, MA, USA. The field of view is approximately 60 cm across.

Folded Schist

sediment-hs_005. Raindrop impressions in a Mesozoic mudstone, Beneski Museum, Amherst College, MA, USA. The field of view is approximately 50 cm across.

Gneiss Outcrop Photo

sediment-hs_006. Reddish mudstone rip-up clast in pink arkosic sandstone, in the Jurassic Turners Falls Formation, Turners Falls, MA, USA. The photo field of view is about 60 cm across.