I was honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with CEEDS as a student associate for the SAL in spring 2024 to update the MacLeish kiosk Trail Map. For those who have visited MacLeish before, you may recall the simple…
Winter Break Adventures of Smithies
The Winter Break Travel Map was another interaction of the Tofurkey Map, involving the integration of three ArcGIS Online tools: Survey123, Web Map, and Experience Builder. The tools work seamlessly together, and Esri’s workflow is intuitive enough that you can…
Where did Smithies travel most often during Thanksgiving break? – Tofurkey 2023
Building on past SAL associates’ work in creating the Tofurkey experience, I wanted to test out the capabilities of the ArcGIS Experience Builder. Though the number of widgets was initially overwhelming, I appreciated Esri’s desire to increase the customizability of…
Navigating Yucatán
Director Note: SAL Associate, Waleska Reyes ’23 brought home a fine mapping effort (book title forthcoming) that continues not only the fine tradition of student / faculty mapping collaboration, but connects back to a previous SAL Associate who designed maps…
Drawing Delicate Lines
Director Note: SAL Associate, Kate Nash ’23 follows in a fine tradition of students collaborating with faculty to prepare maps for print publication. This practice dates back to 2007 when the SAL worked with Ann Zulawski, now Professor Emerita of…
Fall 2022 Workshops (So Far)
Registration Ethics of Drones 10/7 Friday 12:15-1:15 Spatial Analysis Lab (Sabin-Reed 104) We are in the process of revising our Drone Code of Ethics and your concerns, ideas, and just forming thoughts will help inform our practice. During the workshop…
Summer 2022 GIS Reflections
Frances Li ’23J, Environmental Science & Policy I was studying the effect of campus road salt management on the water quality of the Mill River and Lyman Pond. I collected water samples from drainages, pipes, ponds, and rivers and tested…
Haley’s Semester Recap Spring 2022
By Haley Schmidt ’22, with commentary from Tracy I’m so excited that I finally got to work with the SAL in my last semester at Smith! Working with Jon and Tracy has been a great experience. I have really enjoyed…
Investigating Conditions for Species Viability in Virginia
By Wayne Ndlovu ’22 This semester I worked on a project with John Berryhill, the Landscape curator for the Botanic Garden of Smith College, where he was studying a tree species’ viability at different elevations. John’s study sites are in…
Spring 2022 Workshops
Registering is agreeable Q&A Spatial Interpolation 3/3 Thursday 4-5 Sabin-Reed 104 With Wayne Ndlovu ‘22. This exercise is designed to introduce the concept of interpolation and how to use this method in ArcGIS Pro. In this exercise we will be…