.svg Drawing Export Instructions

Simple Instrucions
The data graphs and sample maps displayed on the Geochemical Tools pages, many of the phase diagrams, and other drawings on this website are constructed as scalable vector graphics (.svg) drawings. If you wish to have a copy of the graphs or drawings that can be printed at high resolution or edited with a vector graphic program like Adobe Illustrator, print the page as a ".pdf" file. The .pdf file should open in vector graphic programs like Adobe Illustrator with editable elements. Alternatively, you may be able to extract from the webpage an .svg format file of the drawing using an app like the free "svg-crowbar 2" app for Chrome (https://nytimes.github.io/svg-crowbar/ ). Other similar .svg extraction apps are or will be available. If you use "svg-crowbar 2", you will need to edit the resulting .svg file (replacing "font-family" naming instruction with "font" naming instructions), if you wish to edit it with Adobe Illustrator.