All NGS/MiSeq


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Last Updated:
June 2, 2014 14:15


Copyright © 2006, CMBS Smith College


Getting started in the CMB- HHMI scheduler


Sanger Sequencing

How to set up a sequencing reaction and product recommendations


Things you can do with your own DNA

DNA Isolation from Cheek Cells

DNA isolation from animal saliva using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit by Qiagen

Mitochondrial Sequencing

DNA Fingerprinting

PTC Taster Genotyping

Creating a Chromosome Spread From Blood

Creating a Karyotype from your Chromosome Spread with Photoshop



User guide to transilluminators



cDNA: Synthesis using Genisphere, labelling, and hybridization to a microarray - CMB

cDNA: Synthesis using Genisphere, labelling, and hybridization to a microarray - CWZ lab

How-to-Use Guide for GenePix 4100 Scanner and 4.1 Software (powerpoint)

GenePix Software Tutorial

Microarray analysis using MeV Tutorial


Quantitative Real Time PCR

RNA Isolation - Trizol Method

How-to-use guide for the 7300

Analysis of QRT-PCR Data

Notes for the StepOne Plus system and designing your QRT PCR Experiment



How-to-use guide for the M5 plate reader and SpectraMax Software in the CMB

Quick Guide to the plate reader

How to export results files from the plate reader into Excel

How-to-use guide for the Nanodrop Spectrophotometer

Guidelines to using the Qubit Flourimeter

Protocol for Qubit DNA BR Assay

Protocol for Qubit DNA HS Assay

Protocol for Qubit RNA Assay

Protocol for Qubit Protein Assay

Protocol for Qubit ssDNA Assay

If you have a protocol you would like to share with others, or if there is a protocol you would like to see on this page, please contact the CMB's ITI, Louie Bierwert, at