Choice Magazine Reviewer

From Pam Skinner, the Science & Technology Editor for Choice Magazine, a publication of the Association of College & Research Libraries. I am writing to ask if you know of any undergraduate faculty members who might be interested in reviewing new publications in any science-related area (including astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science, engineering, computer science, math, physics, and general science and technology). Choice publishes approximately 600 brief (200 word), evaluative reviews of scholarly books and online resources per month.

Choice reviewers are not paid, but they do receive a complimentary subscription to Choice Reviews Online, our comprehensive database of scholarly reviews and bibliographic essays, which is a valuable resource for research and keeping up with new publications in a wide variety of scholarly disciplines. Reviewers are able to specify the timing and frequency of review assignments to suit their schedules, and of course, are allowed to keep the publications they review.

If you know anyone who might be interested, they can complete the short online reviewer form at

CUR Mentor Network

The Council on Undergraduate Research, founded in 1978, is a national organization of individual and institutional members representing over 900 colleges and universities.

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Mentor Network matches individuals seeking information about starting, sustaining, or re-initiating undergraduate research programs to experienced, tenured CUR faculty. Those requesting mentors may be newly hired faculty as well as established faculty who are interested in restarting a research program or moving in a new direction. For interested faculty, a list of possible mentors will be provided based on mentoring needs, research interests, institutional similarities and or/regional proximity depending on the individual’s preferences. In order to expand this network, the CUR mentor network would like to let CUR members and institutions know about this program and we are asking for your assistance in notifying the appropriate chairs. Please note that the individual requesting a mentor must be a CUR individual member. The contact information for the specific divisions is shown below:

Lisa Gentile (

Biology: Quinn Vega

Geoscience and Physical Geography: Laura Guertin

Physics and Astronomy: Beth Cunningham