EMERGENCY SMITH numbers: x5555 or 413-585-5555
(Campus Safety will connect with 911 if life threatening)

The Campus Safety non-emergency number is 413-585-2490

Welcome to our Research & Instruction Safety website.

Safety matters at Smith College. Our safety committees and inventory and regulatory affairs unit ensure we provide a safe environment for students, employees, faculty, and staff as well as others visiting our facilities. We also help ensure compliance with federal, state, and local codes and regulations. This site provides resources (see side navigation menu, the menu is at the bottom in mobile format) for students, faculty and staff to safely perform coursework, design and fabrication, and research (including in laboratories and in the field) and to stay in compliance with relevant directives.


Note: To see current SARS-CoV-2 guidelines visit the College Culture of Care website. 

Lab Safety & Compliance Director Margaret Rakas, Ford Hall 256, (413-585-3877)
Lab Safety & Compliance Specialist Hannah Seawall, Ford Hall 344, (413-585-3744)
Science Center Administrative Director Tom Richardson, Burton Hall 115, (413-585-3802)
Institutional Official Denise McKahn, College Hall 206, (413-585-3000)