Mylonite Thin Section Photos. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

Missing Thin Section

mylts_001. Mylonite from Bhutan (Himalaya). Photo by Alessandro Da Mommio, used with permission. The large porphyroclasts are alkali feldspar. Click on the image to see a larger view with more information. Visit the Mylonite page on the Alex Strekeisen website for additional images and information.

Missing Thin Section

mylts_002. mylonite from the type locality in southern France. Photo by Alessandro Da Mommio, used with permission. Olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene. Click on the image to see a larger view with more information. Visit the Mylonite page on the Alex Strekeisen website for additional images and information.