DataSet Source


TAS for Plutonic Rocks. The IUGS chemical classification for plutonic rocks is defined using a total alklai vs. silica diagram (Le Maitre et al., 2002; Le Bas et al., 1986).

This page will scale and plot geochemical data from pre-selected datasets or from a dataset that you upload. You can upload your own data from a comma separated value file (.csv). Choose "Upload your own" as the "DataSet Source" then navigate to your .csv file. The first row of your .csv file must have the oxide and element labels, and subsequet rows should have sample data with one sample per row.      

To view other DataSets choose a DataSet Source of preformatted DataSets by selecting from the pull down list. Then choose from among the preselected DataSets from the pull down list. Preselected datasets are available from:

PetDB (Compiled and Maintained by EarthChem at Lamont-Doherty)
GEOROC (Compiled by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz)
PETROS Igneous Rock Database (Compiled by Felix Mutschler at Washington State University)
Ueki, Hino, and Kuwatani (2018) (Data compiled from PetDB and GEOROC)
Miscellaneous Example Data Sets. Compiled from a variety of sources.

When you mouseover plotted datapoints, metadata (Sample ID, Rock Name, and weight percent values) will appear. If you want to see the contents of a preformatted DataSet, for more information or to see the format, click on the "View DataSet CSV File" button.