GlnSchist Hand Sample Photos. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

GlnSchist Hand Sample

GlnSchist_001. Grt-Gln-Epi Schist from California. Smith College collection (PE-34).

GlnSchist Hand Sample

GlnSchist_002. Ep-Grt-Gln Schist, Kini, Syros, Greece. Erica DiFillipo senior thesis, Smith College (ELD-99-3F). Centimeter grid.

GlnSchist Hand Sample

GlnSchist_003. Grt-Omp-Gln Schist from northern Syros, Greece. Smith College collection (SYR-7B).

GlnSchist Hand Sample

GlnSchist_004. Grt-Gln Schist, Siphnos, Greece. Smith College collection (SIP-13).