Basalt Hand Sample Photos. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window.

Basalt Hand Sample

bashs_001. Columbia River Basalt. Ilmenite-olivine-augite-mesostasis-plagioclase basalt. Smith College collection (S-36).

Basalt Hand Sample

bashs_002. Augite-plagioclase basalt dike from Kintallen, Isle of Mull. Western Minerals Tertiary Ring Complexe Collection, Smith College (ML-17).

Basalt Hand Sample

bashs_003. Olivine basalt from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Smith College collection (ED-99J).

Basalt Hand Sample

bashs_004. Olivine basalt from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Smith College collection (HI-99-12b). One centimeter grid for scale.

Basalt Hand Sample

bashs_005. Pigeonite-augite-plagioclase basalt, Holyoke Basalt, Hadley, MA. Smith College collection (TRJ-2).