Click here for Linux instructions
Add a FollowMe printer to a Smith-owned Windows Computer
- Open up “Computer” or “This PC” and in the address bar at the top type in “\\tpsmain”
- This will bring you to a page with a long list of printers. Add the FollowMe queues by either double clicking the queue or right clicking on the queue and choosing “Connect”
Add a FollowMe printer to a Personally-owned Windows Computer
- Watch the video, download the Mobility Print installer, and follow the instructions as presented on this page
- Note: You will need to run the installer for each FollowMe queue.
Add a FollowMe printer to a Smith-owned Macintosh Computer
- Open the “Smith College Self” in the Applications folder. If you do not see the Self Service app contact the ITSC.
- In the Smith College Self browse to the “FollowMe Printers” category list on the left
- Select the “Install” button for the FollowMe-BW, FollowMe-Color, and/or FollowMe-MFD to install those queues
Add a FollowMe printer to a Personally-owned Macintosh Computer
For macOS v13.x and up
- Select the Apple menu > System Settings
- In the Search field type “Printers”
- Select “Printers & Scanners”
- Select the “Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax…” button
- Select the “followme-bw, -color or -mfd” printer queue
- The “Name”, “Location,” and “Use” fields should fill in automatically
- Select “Add”
- Repeat to add additional followme queues
For macOS v12.x and below
- Select the Apple menu > System Preferences
- Select “Printers & Scanners”
- Select “+”
- Select the “followme-bw, -color or -mfd” printer queue
- The “Name”, “Location,” and “Use” fields should fill in automatically
- Select “Add”
- Repeat to add additional followme queues
The major servers (rstudio, websci, aurora, and zod) have both the BW and Color FollowMe queues installed. If you print from the GUI (on those servers that have one) or from inside an application such as Eclipse or LibreOffice, you should just be able to select the appropriate FollowMe queue and print.
If you wish to print on the command line from one of these servers, things are slightly more complicated.
[Technical Explanation] The unix EOL (end-of-line) character is not interpreted the same way by Windows/DOS systems, and the new print server is Windows-based. So instead of reading it as a CRLF (Carriage Return/Line Feed) it only reads it as a LF. What this means is that if you print text files or terminal output, it will come out of the printer very screwed up because the next line will start printing at the position the last line ended, rapidly running all your text off the right-hand side of the page.[/Technical Explanation]
To solve this, there is a program installed on those same servers named lxprint that will correctly translate your EOF character. If you type:
lxprint -h, will give you a list of commands and the command syntax.
lxprint -l, will give you a list of print queues
lxprint -p followme-bw -f yourfilename.txt, will print your file to the Followme-BW queue.
The MFD queues are not installed at this time.
If you need to print from a linux system other than CATS-supplied servers, please contact us for help and further instructions.