Ternary Plot Utility

Figure 3.08. Instructions: This utitlity will plot data from up to three different data sets. Enter your data in the data tables (the first table is shown automatically, switch between them using the "Group Data" buttons). Alternately, you can copy and paste existing data by switching to "Copy/Paste Mode". Next, enter the group names and vertex labels for your data in the table column headings or provided text fields. Enter all three numbers for each sample, including zeros (Note: the vertex labels do not have to be the same for the three groups, but if plotted together only one set will be shown.) You can set the number of table rows with the "resize" button. Use the checkboxes to choose which groups to plot, then press the "plot" button to plot them. You can update the plot at any time by adding more data or for a different checkbox selection by clicking the same button. Scroll down to see the plot. Click on the words "plot title" to set your own title. The vertex labels will change to match the given values when you plot, but you can also click to edit those. Hover over the plot area to see coordinates, and over a plot point to see its information. (Note: if browser zoom is not 100%, this information may be inaccurate). Do not refresh the page at any point - this will reset the page and erase your data.

G3 G2 G1
Number of Rows:
Group 1 TitleLeft Vertex LabelTop Vertex LabelRight Vertex Label
Group 2 TitleLeft Vertex LabelTop Vertex LabelRight Vertex Label
Group 3 TitleLeft Vertex LabelTop Vertex LabelRight Vertex Label

Or, copy and paste your data here. (Note: the "value separator" could be a comma, a semicolon, a comma with a space following, just a space, etc. Please enter exactly what appears between the numbers in the input boxes, nothing else.) If no data is provided here, the table data will be used.

Group 1 Title: Names:
Left Vertex Label: Values:
Top Vertex Label: Values:
Right Vertex Label: Values:
Values separated by:
Group 2 Title: Names:
Left Vertex Label: Values:
Top Vertex Label: Values:
Right Vertex Label: Values:
Values separated by:
Group 3 Title: Names:
Left Vertex Label: Values:
Top Vertex Label: Values:
Right Vertex Label: Values:
Values separated by:

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Plot Title

Left Vertex Label

Top Vertex Label

Right Vertex Label
