2.0 Where-Why Igneous Rocks Figures List
- Figure 2.01. Locations of Holocene volcanoes Data from the Smithsonian GVP database
Interactive: choose age range, mouseover
for individual volcano info -
- Figure 2.02. Age of the oceanic lithosphere Interactive: mouse zoom and pan
- Figure 2.03. Schematic cross section from This Dynamic Planet
Interactive: mouse zoom and pan -
- Figure 2.06. Effect of pressure on dry melting Interactive: use buttons to change solid
melting (diopside, halite, peridotite) and axis -
- Figure 2.07. Geotherm w/peridotite melting conditions Interactive: mouseover to show rising mantle
trajectory -
- Figure 2.09. Dry and Wet Gabbro Melting Interactive: use buttons to compare dry and wet
and to change axis direction -
- Figure 2.10. Dehydration in causes melting Interactive: mouseover to show melting
- Figure 2.11. Yellowstone mantle plume This is a USGS Image
- Figure 2.12. El Capitan Interactive: mouse zoom and pan
- Figure 2.13. Mount Rushmore Interactive: mouse zoom and pan
- Figure 2.14. Haplogranite melting Interactive: use buttons to show path
and to change pressure axis