Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography at Smith College
Main menu
Experimental design and planning
Proper sample preparation for subsequent MS-based analysis
Assistance with data interpretation
Assistance with sample preparation
(please note that the CFP does not provide reagents, kits or other materials)
Sample clean-up and processing (extraction, desalting, precipitation, depletion, fractionation, proteolytic digest, etc.)
Standard biochemical techniques (SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and staining, Western blotting, etc.)
Affinity-based enrichment (antibody, immobilized metal affinity, etc.)
General Mass Spectrometry
Small Molecules (see Protocols for appropriate sample preparation):
Electrospray ionization of acidic, basic, charged and polar molecules (direct infusion)
Reverse phase liquid chromatography hyphenation (other stationary phases possible, must be supplied by researcher)
MS and MS/MS
Positive and negative ion detection
Mass determination and quantitation (when standards are available)
Untargeted and Targeted workflows
Metabolite identification and quantitation
Data visualization and analysis (molecular networks, heat maps, volcano plots, etc)
Proteomics :
Protein and peptide identification in purified samples or complex mixtures
Protein Quantitation: Isobaric tags
PTM identification
Intact protein analysis
Data Analysis
Custom Data Analysis Scripts
Development of custom data processing and/or visualization scripts in Python, either as standalone projects or as feature requests for our in-house software MPACT.