

  • Experimental design and planning
  • Proper sample preparation for subsequent MS-based analysis
  • Assistance with data interpretation


Assistance with sample preparation

(please note that the CFP does not provide reagents, kits or other materials)         

  • Sample clean-up and processing (extraction, desalting, precipitation, depletion, fractionation, proteolytic digest, etc.)
  • Standard biochemical techniques (SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and staining, Western blotting, etc.)
  • Affinity-based enrichment (antibody, immobilized metal affinity, etc.)


General Mass Spectrometry

Small Molecules (see Protocols for appropriate sample preparation):

  • Electrospray ionization of acidic, basic, charged and polar molecules (direct infusion)
  • Reverse phase liquid chromatography hyphenation (other stationary phases possible, must be supplied by researcher)
  • MS and MS/MS
  • Positive and negative ion detection
  • Mass determination and quantitation (when standards are available)


  • Untargeted and Targeted workflows
  • Metabolite identification and quantitation
  • Data visualization and analysis (molecular networks, heat maps, volcano plots, etc)


  • Protein and peptide identification in purified samples or complex mixtures
  • Protein Quantitation: Isobaric tags
  • PTM identification
  • Intact protein analysis

Data Analysis

Custom Data Analysis Scripts

  • Development of custom data processing and/or visualization scripts in Python, either as standalone projects or as feature requests for our in-house software MPACT.