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Computer Science

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)

What is SURF?

SURF is the centerpiece of Smith’s Summer Research Fellowship Program.
The summer of 2020 will be the 52nd year that Smith has had a formal student summer research program! Hands-on research collaboration between faculty and students is a cornerstone of the science education at Smith, so the summer program has always been very important to us. We invite you to join the students who will receive stipends to support their independent research during the summer of 2019.
For more information, see:

Where’s the application (due. Feb 7th)?

Who is hiring?

Alicia M. Grubb

This summer I’m looking for students interested in software development and/or empirical research (i.e., Software Engineering).

R. Jordan Crouser

Katherine M. Kinnaird

This summer, I am looking for students interested in building a new Python package and/or interested in building an interactive visualization platform for a representation of musical scores. Additionally, I may have funding for a student interested at the intersection of data science education research and text mining.

Ileana Streinu

Summer 2020 projects:

Nick Howe

Handwriting recognition & historical manuscripts. See for more information.