Electric Power Systems

EGR 325, Spring 2018

Professor: Judith Cardell
Office: 352 Ford Hall
Office hours: Mon 1:00-2:00; Wed 11:00 - 12:00

Class Time: 1:00 - 2:50 Tues/Thurs FH 143 (Circuits Lab)
Prerequisites: EGR 220, Circuit Theory, or permission of instructor
Readings: Posted in table below and on Moodle



EGR 325 Class and Assignment Schedule, Spring 2018

Week Topic Reading HW due on THURSDAYS
(at the start of class)
 Jan 25 Course Overview
  • Introduction to electric power systems
  • Puerto Rican Power System and Semester Project
  • ABET Outcomes Discussion - the Book of Evidence
  • Reading Strategies
* Course Concept Map *
Meet the Mobile Wind Turbine
  • Multi-week lab assignment
  • Wind Cart slides
  • Manuals for all wind turbine cart equipment on Moodle
Puerto Rico Power System, possible references to get started
HW 1: Initial plan for Puerto Rican power system recovery

General Reading Strategy Ideas

 Jan 29  

 The Transmission System & Power Flow Analysis

  • AC circuit review: Z, S = P + jQ
  • Power Flow - The physical and mathematical problem
  • Modeling a power system with Power World
Power Flow Text Chapters to Read on Moodle
  • Electric Power Systems, Alexandra von Meier, Chapter 7
  • Power System Analysis, Grainger & Stevenson, Chapter 9, pp 329-339
Additional resources PowerWorld Simulator Links

HW 2 Introduction to PowerWorld & Anemometer plan

  • HW2 problems
  • Short, professional memo on your (team) plan to play with and test anemometers
 Feb 5 Generator Efficiency & System Operations
  • Generating plant costs, efficiency, heat rate
  • Constrained optimization and the Lagrangian
Economic dispatch (on Moodle, for this week and next)
  • Power Generation, Operation & Control, Wood & Wollenberg, pp 29-34
  • Power System Analysis & Design, Glover & Sarma, pp 525-536
  • Select Tutorial 1 from this site
  • Linear Programming Tutorial, Chapters 1 & 2 as needed
HW 3: Power flow & Anemometer lab memo
 Feb 12
Economic Dispatch & Optimal Power Flow
  • Economic dispatch, ED
  • Optimal power flow, OPF
  • PowerWorld in class - work on PR model
  • Power Generation, Operation & Control, Wood & Wollenberg, pp 29-34 (Moodle)
  • Power System Analysis & Design, Glover & Sarma, pp 525-536 (Moodle)
  • Select Tutorial 1 from this site
  • Linear Programming Tutorial, Chapters 1 & 2 as needed
HW4: Economic Dispatch
 Feb 19
Energy Poverty and Rural Electrification
Energy Poverty & Energy Access
Everyone Read
  1. Defining Energy Poverty, London Economics
  2. Defining Energy Poverty, CSE, India
  3. Defining Energy Poverty, Canada

Choose one more to read through Rural Electrification
Everyone Read
  1. Wikipedia - read top part
  2. Overview Article

Choose one more to read through
HW5: Wind Turbine Cart plan
  • Wind Cart Lab: Hand in your plan for using wind turbine cart, and Initial lab memo for experiments, data and results with anemometers.

    HW 4 ED Solution

 Feb 26 Time Series Modeling
  • Customers & Load Modeling & Net Load
    • The Load Duration Curve (LDC)
  • Demand response and demand side management
  • System Integration of Renewables
  • Mitigating System Variability & Uncertainty
Load Modeling
  • Power Generation, Operation & Control, Wood & Wollenberg, pp 270-272
  • The Electric Power Engineering Handbook, ed. Grigsby, pp 7-12 - 7-16
  • Load Forecasting, IAEA Expansion Planning (Full, huge, report available here)
Integrating Renewables Energy Efficiency & DSM Mitigating Variability with Demand Response Wind Resource Data
Study for Take-Home Midterm exam - next week
 Mar 5 Power System Planning & HOMER
  • Microgrids & Smart grids
  • Using HOMER simulation tool in-class
  • Reliability Measures
  • MIDTERM EXAM: Take Home
Midterm Exam
System Planning
microGrids (uGridIssueOvw.pdf introduces others)
Smart Grids
HW 6: OPF & Load Modeling, and Wind Cart
  • HW6
  • NYISO_loadHr.m

Wind Cart Lab: be thinking about it, and looking for a good, windy day!

 Mar 12



 Mar 19 HOMER System Modeling
Environmental Issues

HOMER System Planning Examples

HW 7: HOMER Data gathering and Initial Report - Due March 29
 Mar 26 Electric Machines & Motors in Action
  • Induction Motors 1
  • Induction Motors 2
  • Amatrol Motors Lab Demo

 Apr 2 System Stability and Control
  • Synchronous generators
  • Power Delivery
  • Chapter 12, in Moodle
HW 9: Puerto Rico Power System Designs and posters
  • Wind Cart Lab: Final Report due
 Apr 9 Micro- and Smart Grids & Puerto Rico Power System Design   HW 10:
 Apr 16 Industry Structure and ERS
  • Industry Structure
  • Essential Reliability Services
  • Hydro-electric Power
 Apr 23 Speed Droop and Frequency Regulation
Electric Energy: An Introduction, Chapter 9, Safety, pp 218-233 On Moodle HW 12 Puerto Rican Power System Design

Wind Cart final lab report

 Apr 30 Safety & Review
  • Safety slides
Pick up and Drop off to Burton Science Center Office
48 Hours; Due Thursday close of Burton Office at the latest.



Course Overview and Topics

This course introduces students to the field of electric power, including generating technologies (renewable, hydro, nuclear and fossil), electricity transmission and distribution, and more recent developments in smart grids and demand response. Topics include modeling, analysis and simulation of power systems, small design projects, discussions of emerging technologies, with an awareness of policy, environmental and societal aspects of energy use. Work with knowledge building allows students to explore questions around power systems and energy use in greater depth.

The objective of this course is to introduce students to electric power systems, and to the broader issues of energy policy and complex systems analysis. Through the material presented in this course, students will learn:

  1. The fundamental principles of producing and transmitting electric power,
  2. To analyze complex engineering systems, and to gain familiarity with incorporating technical, policy and societal elements in the analysis framework,
  3. How to simulate electric power systems, in order to understand their behavior and also to make design decisions about the types of generating technologies to use and when to expand the power system to meet demand.
  4. Introduction to optimization: The inherent tradeoffs between the often conflicting objectives of power system design and operation, including cost, reliability, and environmental impacts,
  5. The far reaching effects of electric power and energy conversion on human society,
  6. To evaluate her personal learning process and understanding of the concepts and skills from class.

ABET Outcomes for EGR 325
For students' Books of Evidence, the following ABET outcomes can be achieved by every student taking EGR 325. Note that this is a shared responsibility between the course professor and each student. If you do not understand how or when these outcomes are being addressed through the course material, be sure to come to office hours (while there are still many weeks remaining in the semester). If populating your BoEs is left until the end of the semester, it could be too late to achieve all you had planned.

Course Concept Map
The concept map will be used throughout the semester to bring together the course topics, and modeling and analysis techniques.

The syllabus lists the reading for each class period. Students are expected to do the reading before coming to class, in order to be fully prepared to solidify the material in the class period. Note that this does not mean every word of every reading needs to be carefully read. Each student needs to read about and ponder enough of the issues to be able to contribute to class discussion and the class learning.

Assginments also include participation in Knowledge Building (via Knowledge Forum, online) which allows for out-of-class discussion and learning to occur in a continuous and self-guided manner. Use and assessment of KF will evolve over the course of the semester.

There will be almost-weekly homework assignments, collective knowledge building work, one midterm exam and a final take home exam.

Written homework format
All mathematical homework solutions must be written on standard engineering paper in the standard Picker Engineering homework format. Short essay questions should be typed and printed out. Homework from computer simulation tools should be typed, with graphs from the computer models pasted into a Word (or similar) document, and clearly explained. Students are encouraged to work together to understand the concepts, but each student must hand in her own solutions. All assignments are to be neatly written or typed, and stapled, with your name and date. Note that students are expected to follow the Honor Code for all work in this course. Copying on homework or quizzes/exams, and other violations will be brought to the honor board.

The purpose of the homework is for you to have the opportunity to practice - practice - practice the skills and concepts from class, and to think about the policy and societal questions beyond class discussions. Since homework is the time to practice, you are not expected to have perfects solutions at all times. You are expected to do your best work for each problem however. In recognition of these goals, each homework problem, as well as participation in Knowledge Forum, will be evaluated with the following 10 point scale as a guide:

A complete attempt includes identifying what is known, articulating what you are solving, stating any assumptions, properly labeling figures, including units and a reasonable number of significant figures in your answer, and clearly and neatly documenting your progression towards a final result. Homework solutions often will be compiled from the solutions submitted by the class, so it is very important that your solutions can be clearly understood by all!

Essays and discussion questions will be graded as ✓, ✓- or ✓+

Class attendance
Students are required to attend class and participate in class discussions and problem solving exercises. This means that you must be in class and come prepared to participate in the discussions to receive full credit for this portion of the course.

Grades in this course are designed to represent your achievement of the objectives and student ABET outcomes. The course components that will make up your grade are listed below.

Homework (separate from KF)
Class participation
Knowledge Building work
Midterm exam
Final exam

Late Policy
All homework assignments are to be submitted at the time specified; late assignments will be penalized at the rate of one point per minute unless you have requested and received and extension at least 24 hours before the deadline. However, each student will have a total of 1 hour (60 minutes) grace time to be used as desired by that student over the course of the semester, such that you can have a semester total of 60 tardy minutes for homework and labs without penalty (note that these minutes cannot be used for in-class reading questions, quizzes or exams).

Knowledge Forum participation must be on an on-going basis, so that all class participants have plenty of time to see, read and respond to your notes, thoughts and responses. Notes need to be posted well in advance of class time to allow everyone to read and process all the notes. This means, with class starting at 10am, initial postings should be made by dinnner time (6pm) the evening before class so that everyone will have the opportunity to read and respond to each others' notes, and gather thoughts for class.

Honor Code
The homework assignments that you submit must be your own work. You are encouraged to discuss the problems and essay questions with your classmates and work on them together, but each student must work out her own answers. It is not okay to copy answers from another student's homework - doing so is a violation of the Honor Code. Note that it is a violation of the honor code to 1) use or copy another student's work, and 2) provide another student with your work. Projects will be done in small groups. Exams must be exclusively each student's own work, following the instructions provided with each exam. Do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have concerning the honor code!