WIMIN 2021

Plenary speakers: Andrea Foulkes and Rosa Orellana

WIMIN 2021 was held virtually on Saturday, October 16, 2021. 

Morning speaker:

Rosa Orellana, Dartmouth College

Graphs, Coloring and Symmetry
A graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges between the vertices.   Graphs are useful to visualize relationships between objects. In graph theory we study ways to color vertices so that vertices that have an edge connecting them are not colored with the same color, these colorings are called proper.  One application of these proper colorings is in solving scheduling problems. 
In the 1990s Stanley defined a polynomial in several variables that encodes all proper colorings.   This polynomial is known as the chromatic symmetric function.  The polynomial is called symmetric because it doesn’t change when we permute the variables.  In this talk I will discuss relations satisfied by this polynomial that helps in their computation.  In addition, I will discuss some unsolved problems.

Rosa Orellana is Professor of Mathematics at Dartmouth College.  She earned her B.A. from California State University, Los Angeles, and her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, San Diego. She was the first person in her family to receive a college degree. Originally interested in knot theory as it arises in mathematical biology, her research shifted in graduate school to algebraic combinatorics and representation theory.  She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, before joining Dartmouth in 2000.  She has received numerous awards for her research while also working passionately to support women and underrepresented minorities in math.

Afternoon speaker:

Andrea Foulkes, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Statistical Challenges in COVID-19 Clinical Research

The rapid collection of large-scale observational and clinical trials data on individuals with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has generated enormous opportunity for novel discovery and improved clinical decision-making tools that could lead to improved COVID-19 outcomes. At the same time, the statistical challenges inherent in leveraging these novel data resources are numerous. These challenges are further augmented in studies of patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2, i.e. in studies of “COVID long haulers”. In this talk, I highlight several of these challenges and emphasize the importance of applying rigorous statistical methods that are specifically designed to account for the data generating process and to address the clinical hypothesis under investigation. Examples are based on data arising from multiple large observational studies, including the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) COVID-19 Patient Registry, a comprehensive resource including extensive manually extracted and electronic health record data on all patients hospitalized at MGH.

Andrea Foulkes is Professor of Medicine and Director of the Biostatistics Center at Massachusetts General Hospital as well as Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.  She earned her B.A. from s Brown University and her Sc.D. in biostatistics from the Harvard School of Public Health.  She was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard and on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania before joining the Five Colleges, where she was faculty at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst and at Mount Holyoke College.  Her research interests are wide-ranging and include work at the intersection of data science, global health, and human rights.  More recently, she’s been working on many COVID-related projects.  She has mentored and trained students at all stages, from undergraduate to postdoctoral, and authored multiple textbooks, including open-source online teaching repositories.


WIMIN List of Student Speakers

List of Student Abstracts


9:50 Welcome

10 Plenary talk: Rosa Orellana, Dartmouth College

Morning plenary link: Zoom 983 0082 5711

11 Student talks: Topology/Geometry in Zoom 939 6301 2365, Combinatorics/Graph Theory in Zoom 967 2458 8751

12 Lunch break

1 Graduate school panel

Graduate school panel link: Zoom 913 9299 0743

2 Student talks: Math Ed/Logic/Algebra in Zoom 939 6301 2365, Topology/Geometry in Zoom 967 2458 8751

3 Coffee break and social activity

Social activity (3:15-3:45) link: Zoom 913 9299 0743

4 Plenary talk: Andrea Foulkes, Biostatistics, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Afternoon plenary link: Zoom 983 0082 5711


Organizers: Geremias Polanco and Julianna Tymoczko