
April Update

April Update

See what work the Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) supported in the busy month of April 1. Class Support 2. Student Support 3. Campus Connections 4. Outreach   1. Class Support: Environmental Integration II: Collecting and Analyzing Information (ENV201/202): Final Presentations: One of…

Wildlife Population Ecologist

Mass DEP is looking for a Wildlife Population Ecologist. The applicant must have strong analytical capabilities relative to population dynamics modeling using statistical models, remote sensing, GPS and GIS applications in the conservation and management of vertebrate species. Primary focus…

Reverse Engineer a Map?

Smith students – Help investigate whether prisons are affecting democracy in rural counties across the U.S. by reverse engineering census maps since some counties don’t remember if they used the census prison counts in their districts! Contact me to learn…

Geospatial Occupations

US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) now lists five new geospatial occupations: “Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologists”, “Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists”, “Geographic Information Systems Technicians”,  “Precision Agriculture Technicians”, and “Geodetic Surveyors”. Search for “geospatial”…