Members of the Smith Community seem quite adept at interpreting LiDAR Point Cloud Cross Sections! Nearly eight (80) folks viewed the challenge and eight (8) submitted answers. Of those, five were completely correct, and the remaining three missed one or two. Surprisingly, the Cutter-Ziskind profile (C) was mistaken most often with answers of Mendenhal, and Sabin-Reed/McConnell.
The first correct answer was submitted by Sam Masinter, shortly after the challenge was released. Sam is now a three (3) time winner and joins fellow pattern expert, Chris Gentes. Congratulations Sam. No awards are given, but these make a great item on your CV.
A- Sage Hall
B- Neilson
D-Botanic Garden
E-Ford and Mendenhal
F- Campus Center
If you would like to know more about LiDAR, I refer you to an introductory presentation found on the excellent Open Topography website. Stop by the SAL if you want to view the Northampton data live!