Workshop: Saturday, November 19 at Smith College
The fall Discrete Math Workshop happened! The conference was in Ford Hall on the Smith campus. Park in the Green Street lot across the street or the West Street parking garage. Coffee & pastries available at about 9.
Sarah Brauner, University of Minnesota: Card shuffling, q-analogues and derangements
Theo Douvropoulos, UMass Amherst: Recursions and Proofs in Coxeter-Catalan combinatorics
Tamar Friedmann, Colby College: Counting conjugacy classes of elements of finite order in Lie groups
Dan Johnston, Trinity College: Rainbow Saturation
Nadia Lafreniere, Dartmouth College: A study of homomesies on permutations using the FindStat database
Goran Malic, Smith College: Circuit polynomials in algebraic matroids, computation and algorithms
Lauren Rose, Bard College: EvenQuads, Finite Geometry, and Sidon Sets
Tom Tucker, Colgate University: Revisiting the Torus: Geometry and Algebra
Abstracts for talks and posters can be found here, and the full schedule can be found here.