
Design of a Decking Structure over Cabot Yard in South Boston

Stantec Team: Katie Osterlund, Samantha Muchongwe, Grace Lee, Christine Hamilton

2016-2017: In collaboration with Stantec, this student team developed a concept-level design and feasibility analysis for a structural deck over Cabot Yard in South Boston, MA to enable real-estate development over the active rail yard.

After preparing a site map and analysis, the team identified multiple concepts for the decking system and substructure. The team selected final concepts based on feasibility given site constraints and loading requirements for a potential 30-story structure. The team sized the elements for the substructure (belled and unbelled concrete caissons), superstructure (combination of A-frames, small columns, and two-way trusses), and decking cover (concrete T-beams) to support the load around the existing rail lines. The team also investigated several real-estate development options for the site, prepared a risk register, and completed a preliminary traffic analysis.

The team determined that building a decking structure over Cabot Yard is feasible. They delivered their conceptual design documentation and associated analyses to their Stantec liaisons for continued development.