
Elm Street Dam Removal Design, Kingston MA

Stantec Team Photo

Stantec Team: Brittany Bennett, Christine Hart, Katie Pritchard, Leen Hayek

2015-2016: In collaboration with Stantec and the Jones River Watershed Association (JRWA), this student team designed plans for the removal of the Elm Street Dam in Kingston, MA. The dam currently blocks the head-of-tide flow from Cape Cod Bay, inhibits passage of diadromous fish, and increases the potential of upstream flooding.

The team started by reviewing relevant literature and permits for dam removal and visiting the site for data acquisition. Based on their extensive field data, the team developed a topographic map of the site and prepared hydrologic and hydraulic models of existing conditions, documenting their work in a series of technical memos. The team then developed design options for different portions of the dam removal, including removal of structures, construction access, water and sediment management, stormwater management, and site restoration. The team evaluated the options against the design requirements and developed the selected ones into a 30% design package for the site.

The team presented their recommendations to residents of Kingston at a public meeting and then handed off their 30% design plans to their liaisons for continued development, pending approval and funding.