Marina and Nils traveled to Vellore, India for a DeWorm3 meeting and to train scientists there on the use of our STH qPCR assays. September 2017.
- DeWorm3 meeting
Jacqueline’s field trip to Bangladesh to train our collaborators on our soil transmitted helminth assays
Marina’s field trip to Argentina to collect soil transmitted helminths
- Marina with Yulisha. The school, El Santiago de el Cedral, was visited for sampling. Cedral is endemic for intestinal parasites.
- Trichuris trichiura egg.
- Ruben (Professor at University of Salta) and Paola (PhD student at University of Salta) heading out to collect samples from the field.
- Ruben distributing collection containers.
- Rojelio (MD/researcher from Baylor College) fishing out eggs.
- Nico (technician at the Tropical Medicine Clinic) and Paola in Orán.
- Nico and Maria (student at the Tropical Medicine Clinic) in Orán.
- Marisa (nurse at the Tropical Medicine Clinic) distributing containers for stool samples to 2nd grade children.
- Marina fishing out eggs.
- School kitchen in Cedral, Orán.
- Hookworm larva.
- Hookworm transparent eggs.
- Hymenolepis nana, an enigmatic intestinal parasite.
- We didn't look only at helminths....Protoza were present as well
- The Harada Mori culturing technique for recovering nematode larvae.
- Children in Cedral, Orán.
- Containers for collecting stool samples at the elementary school.
- Gauchito Gil - Argentina's cowboy saint.
- Typical yard in Cedral, Orán.
- Typical housing in Cedral.
- Flying over Tucumán. Breathtaking landscape!
- Enjoying the field trips.
- In the jungle the mighty jungle (Orán.)
- Buenos Aires.
- STEAKS! The fun part of Argentina.
- El monumental. Alejandro (director of Tropical Medicine Clinic), Ruben, Rojelio, Marina and Paola. Steak and wine in Salta, Argentina.
- Cutlural burst in Salta, Argentina.
- Obelisco. Blue hour in Buenos Aires.
The Marine Mammal group!
- Caroline, Eirini, Kalani, and Kristen in Mystic CT (after picking up worms)
- Woods Hole, MA
- Caroline in Woods Hole
- Caroline holding the "outstanding student paper award" at the American Society for Parasitologists conference in Omaha, NE in June 2015. Congratulations, Caroline!!
- Tube showing mitochondrial isolation via differential ultra centrifugation (the little white specs are mitochondria!)
- Rubaiyea, Kristen, Caroline, Kalani presenting at Collaborations
- Parasites from harp seal from the Mystic Aquarium
- Kalani loading gels
- Kalani loading gels
- Parasite from Risso Dolphin (from The New England Aquarium)