
Design of a Charging Solution for a Campus Micromobility Sharing Program

Honda Team: Wasila Yussif, Winnie Mbugua, Yolanda Chigiji, Eman Babar

2020-2021: In collaboration with Honda R&D Americas, this student team designed a charging system for an on-campus micromobility concept vehicle. The goal of the project was to design a safe, efficient, and user-friendly solution at convenient locations on the Smith College campus.

The team conducted primary and secondary research with students and administrators, and developed user personas to represent typical college student and staff needs. The team then generated and selected conceptual design ideas focused around these key needs and informed by current technology and market gaps. The team refined their design ideas through a series of CAD models and physical prototypes that demonstrated key features of the design such as physical geometry and modularity of the charging station, locking/unlocking mechanism, and built-in lighting. The team also identified key locations on campus to locate the charging stations. The team delivered their recommended design to Honda for continued evaluation and development.