
What is WAI?

Wideband acoustic immittance (WAI) is an area of research that strives to develop WAI measurements as noninvasive auditory diagnostic tools for people of all ages. WAI measurements are reported in many related formats, including absorbance, admittance, impedance, power reflectance, and pressure reflectance. They can all be calculated from a single ear-canal pressure measurement and a measurement from the source’s Thevenin (or Norton) equivalent (WAI Mathematical Relationships).

WAI Database

This webpage hosts a database for the WAI measures made on ears from infant, NICU infant, child, and adult subjects. It is funded by the National Institutes of Health, NIDCD, and hosted on a server at Smith College (PI Susan Voss, R15 DC014129-01). The goal of the database is to enable auditory researchers to share WAI measurements and combine analyses over multiple datasets.

Submission of Data

WAI data that have been published in a peer-reviewed format can be submitted to be included in the WAI database. Click here for more details.

Download Data

All data in the database is available to be downloaded for research or educational purposes. Click here for more details.


The normative WAI database and corresponding website are funded by the National Institutes of Health, NIDCD (R15 DC014129).  The server is hosted at Smith College. 


The DOI of this project is: doi.org/10.35482/egr.001.2022

Contributors to this work include:

    • Dr. Susan E. Voss, Picker Engineering Program,  Smith College
    • Dr. Nicholas J. Horton, Professor of Statistics and Data Science,  Amherst College
    • Dr. Benjamin Baumer, Statistical and Data Sciences, Smith College
    • Suzanne Palmer  Computing and Technical Services (CATS), Smith College
    • Melinda Pontes ’15  Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Wendy Jiang ’16  Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Tinli Yarrington ’18  Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Melody Owen ‘17  Amherst College
    • Andrew Kim ‘18  Amherst College
    • Yuhan Wen ’20  Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Julia Clark ’21  Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Keane Ng ’23 Amherst College
    • Jiayi Sun ’25 Picker Engineering Program, Smith College
    • Casey Crary ’26 Amherst College
Database Contents as of June 2024