Public Domain GIF Clip Art Collection

This is a collection of GIF clip art, compiled especially for registered users of PageSpinner.
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Arrows | Backgrounds | Bullets | Buttons & Icons | Lines | Animations 1 | Animations 2


arrow_white_left.gif arrow_white_right.gif arrow_white_up.gif arrow_white_down.gif

arrow_gray_left.gif arrow_gray_right.gif arrow_gray_up.gif

arrow_gray2_left.gif arrow_gray2_right.gif arrow_gray2_top.gif

arrow_hand_left.gif arrow_hand_right.gif arrow_hand_up.gif

arrow_marble_left.gif arrow_marble_right.gif arrow_marble_up.gif arrow_marble_down.gif

arrow_ball_left.gif arrow_ball_right.gif arrow_ball_up.gif arrow_ball_down.gif

arrow_smallgrey_left.gif arrow_smallgrey_right.gif

arrow_ry_left.gif arrow_ry_right.gif

arrow_text_prev.gif arrow_text_next.gif

Arrows | Backgrounds | Bullets | Buttons & Icons | Lines | Animations 1 | Animations 2

Version 2.0.1