Figure 9.00. Periodic Table of Elements and Oxides for Petrologists. This periodic table is designed to highlight information that is useful when thinking about the mineralogy and petrology of the earth's common rocks.
Elements are colored according to their abundance in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB).
Mouseover individual elements to see useful information about the element.
Click on an element to hold open the information panel for that element. Click on the Animate button to resume mouseover animation.
An oxide formula and formula weight are given for the principal valence state of each element.
Ionic radii in nm are given for the principal valence state ion in oxides in various coordination number sites as reported by Shannon and Prewitt (1969) and slightly modified by Dyar and Gunter (2008, Table 3.4).
The percent ionic character of element-oxygen bonds is given using Pauling electronegativity values (RSC Periodic Table) for the element relative to oxygen.
Abundance of the elements in various average rocks and reservoirs is shown as weight percent (wt.%=g per 100 g of rock) of the oxide for SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5 or as parts per million (ppm=micrograms per g) or parts per billion (ppb=nanoograms per g) of the element for all other elements.
Click this button for a Table of average compositions and a list of the data sources.