Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Fall 2022:
  • CSC 252: Algorithms
    MWF 9:25-10:40.
  • CSC 220: Advanced Programming Techniques
    M 1:40-2:55, WF 1:20-2:35.
Spring 2023:
  • CSC 210: Data Structures. MWF 9:25-10:40 and 10:50 - 12:05.

Past courses

2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
The 2010 Robbins Prize of the American Mathematical Society. Smith News.
The 2004 Moisil Prize of the Romanian Academy. Smith News.
Research funded by NSF CCF-2212309.
Previous support from: NSF CCF-1703765, CCF-1319366, NIH R01GM109456, NSF CCF-1016988, DMS-0714934, DARPA "23 Mathematical Challenges", CCF-0728783, CCF-0430990, NSF-DARPA CARGO CCR-0310661 etc. The Four Colleges Biomathematics Consortium was funded by NSF-UBM-1129194.