
Current Projects

Current Projects: 2023-2024

Boeing Design of a Neurodiverse Accessible Airplane Cabin
Boston Scientific Design of a Device to Facilitate Custom Delivery of a Two-Part Hydrogel Implant during Prostate Cancer Treatment
Cummins Design of Ergonomic Improvements for Manufacturing Operations
Fuss & O’Neill Design of Nature Based Solutions to Address Stormwater Water Quality in a Changing Climate – Rubber Thread Pond Case Study
Honda Design of a Mobile, Autonomous, Electrical Vehicle Charging System
Iridium Design of an IoT Application Framework for Satellite Services
Salas O’Brien Design of a Decarbonization Strategic Plan for a Small University in New England
USGS Design and Evaluation of an Economical Experimental Venturi Flow Meter System for Hydraulic Research
Werfen Design Improvements for the GEM Technology Component Tester

See Also:

Projects by Sponsor

Projects by Year