Monthly Archives: March 2014

Two more DataFest prep sessions

As DataFest approaches, two more prep sessions will be held.  These are optional events for those wanting to sharpen their data analysis skills before the big event.  Students from any of the Five Colleges are welcome at both events.

Amherst College: Wednesday, March 26, 4:30-6 pm, Seeley Mudd 206

Andrew Bray (University of Massachusetts) will give an overview of this exciting event (by Skype).  Professor Nick Horton will also provide an overview of visualization, data manipulation and related tips and tricks in R and RStudio.  He will utilize examples from, “A Compendium of Commands to Teach Statistics with R”, one of multiple Creative Commons licensed materials available with the mosaic package on CRAN.  While the event is aimed at undergraduate students planning to head to DataFest, others are welcomed to hear more.

Mt. Holyoke College: Wednesday, March 26, 4-5 pm, Clapp 402
Professors Westgate and Viles will have one more R session in preparation for DataFest.  This time we will do some more sophisticated statistical analyses, including linear regression and logistic regression.  It will be helpful if you’ve seen linear regression before, but it should be fine no matter what.  No problem if you haven’t seen logistic regression.

Anyone is welcome to come, including if you didn’t make it to the first R session or aren’t participating in DataFest.  Please bring a laptop if you have one.  Please try to have R installed on your laptop before the session.  There are some notes to get started with R in the handout from the first session (posted here).