# Cube w/o top face; side length 6
# Number of faces
# Number of vertices
# Vertex coordinates and indices for each face
0.0 0.0 4  6.0 0.0 5  6.0 6.0 6
0.0 0.0 6  6.0 0.0 5  6.0 6.0 1
0.0 0.0 6  8.48528137423856950 0.0 1  4.24264068711928480 4.24264068711928570 2
0.0 0.0 1  6.0 0.0 0  0.0 6.0 2
0.0 0.0 0  6.0 0.0 4  0.0 6.0 3
0.0 0.0 6  6.0 0.0 2  6.0 6.0 3
0.0 0.0 2  8.48528137423856950 0.0 0  4.24264068711928480 4.24264068711928570 3
0.0 0.0 4  8.48528137423856950 0.0 6  4.24264068711928480 4.24264068711928570 7
0.0 0.0 3  8.48528137423856950 0.0 4  4.24264068711928480 4.24264068711928570 7
0.0 0.0 6  8.48528137423856950 0.0 3  4.24264068711928480 4.24264068711928570 7
# Gluing instructions for each edge of each of 10 faces
# Four boundary edges indicated by indices of -1 -1
-1 -1
1 0
7 0

0 1
-1 -1
2 0

1 2
3 2
5 0

-1 -1
6 0
2 1

-1 -1
8 0
6 1

2 2
6 2
9 0

3 1
4 2
5 1

0 2
9 2
8 1

4 1
7 2
9 1

5 2
8 2
7 1
# Source face index and local vertex index
# Implied global index of source = 5


Comments in brackets to the right are not part of the output. Global index of source vertex = 5.
8		[eight vertices]
4 0 5 -0 7 4 -2.83724e-16 8 4 -2.83724e-16 4 4 -2.83724e-16 
		[path through 4 faces:
			face 0, vertex 5, fraction along edge = 0;
			face 7, vertex 4, fraction along edge ~= 0;
			face 8, vertex 4, fraction along edge ~= 0;
			face 4, vertex 4, fraction along edge ~= 0]
		[Note this path is only two segments long: vertex 4
		is described several times, incident to several faces.]
1 1 6 1 	[path through 1 face:
			face 1, vertex 6, fraction along edge = 1]	
		[Note this also describes the source, but from an incident edge.]
2 1 6 1 2 6 0.5 
3 0 5 -0 7 4 0.666667 9 7 0.5 
		[path through 3 faces:
			face 0, vertex 5, fraction along edge = 0;
			face 7, vertex 4, fraction along edge = 2/3;
			face 9, vertex 7, fraction along edge = 1/2]
1 0 5 -0 
1 0 5 0 
1 0 4 1 
2 0 5 -0 7 4 0.5 

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