Details about the Matlab code

Download the code (GraphUsingJDBC or GraphDownloadedData) if you haven’t already depending on whether or not you want to download the JDBC driver and have Database Toolbox on Matlab (click here for connecting Matlab to MySQL or here for downloading data from MySQL).

When you run the program, it prompts you to choose from three options:

  1. Graph a single subject
  2. Graph all subjects in the database
  3. Graph a subset of the data

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Type in the number of the corresponding option you would like to run and hit enter.

Six graphs will appear. The left column of graphs is of the left ear, and the right column of graphs is of the right ear. The first row of graphs is frequency vs. absorbance, the second row of graphs is frequency vs. impedance magnitude, and the third row of graphs is frequency vs. impedance angle.

The blue and red lines represent the Mimosa system for left and right ears respectively, the light orange and magenta lines represent the Titan system for left and right ears respectively, and the black and green lines represent other systems used for left and right ears respectively.


Type in the subject number you would like to view and hit enter. It will ask if you would like to specify an Identifier if you would like exactly one subject. If you don’t want to select one, type in ‘NA’ and the program will graph all of the subjects whose subject number matches the one you entered.

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The program will tell you “Loading all subjects onto the graph…”. Putting all of the subjects on the graph takes a minute or so, but then the graphs will appear.

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The program will prompt you to enter an Identifier, age range (enter the lower range and then the upper range), gender, race, and ethnicity of the subset you’d like to view. If you don’t want to specify one of them, enter -1.

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