What does Science Outreach do?
Coordinates the Science Teaching Fellowship program that runs during J-Term. The participating undergrads have 3 to 4 evening sessions in the first semester to learn about lesson plan development, current thinking on effective science teaching and classroom management. Undergrads work with me and a teacher/mentor to develop a lesson in a content area identified by the teacher and then teach the lesson to one or more classes (usually three). There is a stipend for the fellowship and the program was designed to give undergraduates an opportunity to explore science education as a career choice.
Science Outreach coordinates and supports requests from the local schools to either come to Smith on field trips or for us to go to their schools to present on a particular topic. For example: on the 18th we have a group coming to do a microscopy activity, on Oct. 9th we have a group coming to do a geology activity and in late October we will be presenting and engineering design activity at the Adult Learning Center in Holyoke. We work with schools and GED programs in the region and about a thousand students a year have a Smith undergraduate teaching them about some aspect of science or engineering.
The science outreach office support clubs and individual initiatives to enhance science education in the region. I help with logistics and the assorted paperwork to keep you in compliance with college and local school policies.
Science Center Outreach is always working to develop activities and kits for loan to our partner schools and develop web based activities in the sciences.
What can you do with the Science Outreach Center?
Check out the opportunities available at the Science Outreach Center.
If you have an interest in doing this kind of work please sign up on the Science Center Outreach Interest Log or see me in my office in the CCC or in Sabin Reed 130.