Advanced Architecture: Complex Places, Multiple Spaces


From the course catalog:

This course considers architecture as a socially constructed place. We will examine how to analyze and intervene within the built environment. A final project, involving the manipulation/examination/interpretation of place and space through modeling and graphic communication or a multi-media research project will be required. Prerequisites: ARS 283, 285, and two art history courses, or permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 12. A required fee of $75 to cover group supplied materials and/or printing will be charged at the time of registration. Students will be responsible for directly purchasing any additional supplies that may be required.


  • Spring 2015: 5 students
  • Spring 2014: 10 students
  • Spring 2013: 9 students


updated February 2015

GIS @ Smith


To get most benefit from the ESRI resources below, login with your Free universal account (or create one).  Data from ESRI sites may be used online or in some cases, downloaded for use in ArcGIS.

NYC GIS Data from various NY Sites

new as of Feb 26, 2013

EPA – Environmental Justice

  • EJView (direct link to study area)

Historical GIS Data

Data from NHGIS may be downloaded for use in ArcGIS
Social Explorer offers online visualization tools.  Create, save, and download slideshows.

Crowd Sourced Data

Google Maps

Metadata for data layers used in ArcMap document



Spring 2014 Description & Resources

For the Spring 2014 semester, the Spatial Analysis Lab worked with the ARS-388 class for a day, providing an interactive demonstration of desktop and web GIS technologies, with the goal of encouraging students to use spatial data to both optimize and contextualize their final project building design plans. We illustrated the “layer-cake” concept of curating GIS data relevant to a project in order to visualize architectural problems and solutions using a map of Northampton spatial data in ArcGIS, then introduced two web-based mapping systems that allowed students to explore these ideas without needing any software or technical GIS knowledge:


Some Final Projects – 2013

Fruits and Vegetables in Chelsea Isabel McCagg siteAnalysis_Final