With the fall semester halfway over, things have been pretty hectic in the Spatial Analysis Lab! We are gearing up to provide regular support to two additional Environmental Science and Policy classes in the coming months. Students in a core course in the major, Collecting and Analyzing Information, will be working with GIS data to locate food deserts in the Pioneer Valley and then detect spatial patterns in global climate change effects. The class will be spending the next month focusing on the role of GIS in analyzing and visualizing data.
The Environmental Science and Policy senior seminar will also be working in the SAL in the coming weeks. These advanced students will be examining spatial patterns in a variety of environmental systems in Ambergris Caye– project topics include electricity/power/trash as energy source, the creation of a habitat map, ecosystem services, water supply, and native food/former diets.
In addition to working with classes, we’re developing next month’s Mystery Map and working on the production of the next few videos in our GIS video series. Check back for updates! We’ll be posting regularly with news of our ongoing activities, as well as thoughts and observations on spatial thinking and curricular GIS.