Building a wave forecasting storm atlas, North Carolina
Project Description: You’ll work with us to develop a trial storm wave forecasting atlas for use by the National Weather Service to provide emergency wave height information to mariners using a new, GIS-based software tool developed at our Center.
This internship provides an opportunity to participate in testing a wave height and energy forecasting tool for use in emergency forecasts by the National Weather Service. You’ll use Geospatial Information System technology to apply a computer simulation model in creating an electronic atlas of wave heights for key navigation points in the Pamlico Sound ecosystem under a wide variety of storm event scenarios. You’ll learn about advanced, applied GIS technology and learn a new software tool with broad ecological and human safety implications . This work provides a foundation for students who are interested in using emerging GIS technology with real-world applications to link science with public needs.
Skills Required: Readiness to learn and apply computer skills, assemble background research. Ability to work as part of a research team. Working familiarity with GIS. Good writing skills and technical expertise in graphic content management. Willingness to go in the field and get wet to collect wave height data.
NOAA/ National Ocean Service / National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research
101 Pivers Island Road
Beaufort, NC 28516
Intern Supervisor (joint)
(Lead) Dr. Mark Fonseca, Chief, Applied Ecology and Restoration Research Branch,
(co-advisor) Amit Malhotra, Geospatial Information Engineer