Journal of At-Home Research: Coronavirus edition

Jar with home inside covered with viral particles

JAR: An essential journal for the socially distanced to chart a path for the “new normal” in these uncertain, unprecedented, and trying times. BINGO!

JAR Volume 1

“Office Supplies vs. Actual Friggin Toys: A Paired Choice Analysis” by Anita Break, Ph.D.


Are you working on a research project under unusual circumstances? Are you collecting interesting data from your home? Are funny things starting to grow in the mug of coffee that’s been sitting on your desk since March 13th 2020?

Submit your work to JAR: Coronavirus Edition!

We’re accepting submissions through this Google Forms link through May 1st 2021.

Your “work” may take on the form of a research paper or poster, art or other media, or just general commentary on how the pandemic has made your research life whacky.

a shelf with science materials in a house with a cat

Disclaimer: JAR is in no way a real journal or real anything at all, other than a coping mechanism.