Week 2: Starting Research Projects

Goals:  Further practice with Mathematica Learn to use LaTeX for typing mathematics Start work on individual research problems Our Research Teams:  Pattern Formation in Animal Foraging (#scroungers) with Nessy Tania Caira Anderson Issa Susa Vortex Patch Dynamics (#vortexpatches) with Jen Beichman Victoria Camarena Christian Madrigal Sasha Shrouder Suggested Readings:  Pattern Formation Tania et al. Vortex …

Our Ideas for Improving Smith College and Higher Education

Here is our ongoing list of ideas on how to improve the Sciences at Smith and in the world. Provide inter-student mentor options, or at least have lunch presentations/meetings with students where they address a lot of the insecurities people have about their skills and smarts and share information about how to navigate their new …

Week 1: PDE and Mathematical Computing Minicourses

Goals:  Learn basics of PDEs and computing with Mathematica Form research groups Write MathFest presentation abstracts Mathematica Materials:  Mathematica Day 1: Mathematica Notebook Mathematica Day 1: Worksheet Mathematica Day 2: Solving ODEs and steady state solutions Mathematica Day 3: Fourier Series Demo Mathematica Day 3: Heat Separation [advanced_iframe src=”//calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23ffffff&ctz=America%2FNew_York&src=c21pdGguZWR1XzNrMDJhNmdzNGQwaXNxcm9rMjljMmNucWQ4QGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20&color=%23039BE5&showTitle=1&showCalendars=0&mode=WEEK&showNav=1&showTabs=0″ width=”100%” height=”600″]