- 10:00 AM:Rules and Regulation
- US Airspace and FAA Regulation
- Smith College SAO Safety Code & Institutional Governance
- 11:30 Case study: Bahamas
- 12:00 PM: Lunch
- 12:45 PM: Flight Characteristics
- 1:30 PM: Safety – getting ready to fly
- Introduction to the dronie project
- 2:00 PM: ITT or Scott Gym for for Dronie and Flight Practice
- 3:00 PM: Adjourn
Develop your own checklists for (1) pre-flight operations and (2) safety. What considerations do you think are the most important?
1.) Part 107 Summary
2.) Northampton, MA Resolution on drone aircraft
3.) Regulation of UAVs in the United States (Wikipedia)
4.) Institutional Governance Drone Policy (4th rev.)
5.) Small Drones Deserve Sensible Regulation (IEEE Spectrum – P. Voss)
6.) Video: How to Fly a Multirotor