The Drone Thinking Initiative
Lets Fly


Much of what we do with drones is help others understand and use drone technology in ways that help supplement their research.  Here are some examples of the work that we’ve done, using drones to capture the aerial imagery and process that imagery into high-resolution maps and digital surface models.

St. Catherines Island – Maps

San Salvador, The Bahamas

Ambergis Caye, Belize

Popham Beach, Maine

Smith College Campus


Bringing Back Paradise – Smith College Paradise Pond

St. Catherines Island, GA



Selected Missions

        Instructions for using Google Map Overlays

Google Map Overlays

Seawall Marsh, Popham Beach, Maine April 25 2016

Mexico Rocks, Belize, June 2016

Gulf Coast, San Salvador, The Bahamas, January 2016

North Pigeon Creek, San Salvador, The Bahamas, January 2016

Salt Pond, San Salvador, The Bahamas, January 2016

Stream Restoration, MacLeish Field Station, Whately MA, Fall 2016

Invasive Species, Fitzgerald Lake, Northampton, June 08 2017 (70 meters)

ArcGIS Online Interactive Maps

Popham Beach, Phippsburg, Maine, April 2018
Grow Food Northampton, Northampton, MA May 2018
Fitzgerald Lake, Northampton, MA May/June 2018