2021-2022: In collaboration with Salas O’Brien, this student team designed and assessed a sewage heat exchange system for Smith College. Smith is pursuing ground source geothermal heat exchange to meet the campus heating and cooling loads as part of its…
Design of a Solid Phase Optical Standard that Mimics Human Blood
Design of an Outdoor Learning Space for Girls Inc.
2021-2022: In collaboration with WSP, this student team designed an outdoor learning space for the Girls Inc. facility in Worcester, MA. A national nonprofit committed to empowering girls in grades K-12, Girls Inc. Worcester desires a safe and secure space…
Design of an Anti-Icing Solution for Zipline’s Unmanned Aircraft
Design of an Optimized Carbon Neutrality Software Tool for Retrofitted Commercial Buildings
2020-2021: In collaboration with Arup, this student team designed and developed a software tool to assist Arup engineers in recommending building retrofits to meet zero-net-carbon (ZNC) requirements. Arup is committed to reducing carbon emissions and actively promotes sustainable building solutions…
Design of Hard Masking Solutions for Heat Exchanger Coating Processes
Design for Renewable Energy and Carbon Footprint Reduction at the Lathrop Community
2020-2021: In collaboration with Energy and Resource Solutions (ERS), this student team conducted an energy audit and carbon reduction design for the Lathrop retirement community in Easthampton, MA. The project focused on reducing energy consumption and lowering carbon footprint in…
Design of a Charging Solution for a Campus Micromobility Sharing Program
2020-2021: In collaboration with Honda R&D Americas, this student team designed a charging system for an on-campus micromobility concept vehicle. The goal of the project was to design a safe, efficient, and user-friendly solution at convenient locations on the Smith…
Characterization and Design Optimization of Layout and Airflow for Next Generation Point of Care Analyzer
2020-2021: In collaboration with Instrumentation Laboratory (IL), this student team designed a thermoregulatory ventilation system for the next generation ROTEM instrument. The ROTEM devices are point-of-care instruments that measure the viscoelastic properties of blood during coagulation. The goal of this…
Complete Streets Design for South Street in Northampton, MA
2020-2021: In collaboration with the Northampton Department of Public Works (NDPW), this student team prepared a Complete Streets design for South Street in Northampton, MA. Complete Streets infrastructure is intended to provide safer, more accessible, and more equitable roadways for…
Feasibility Design of the Northampton State Hospital Shared Use Path
2020-2021: In collaboration with the Northampton Office of Planning and Sustainability (NOPS) and the Mill River Greenway Initiative (MRGI), this student team developed a conceptual design for a shared-use path and bridge connecting the Village Hill and Bay State neighborhoods…
Design Improvements for the SmithVent Pneumatic Ventilator
2020-2021: This student team pursued design improvements for the SmithVent open-source ventilator design, which had won the international CoVent-19 Challenge in July 2020. The continuation project included liaisons from the CoVent-19 Challenge organizers, Ximedica, and the original SmithVent team of…
Design of Heat Exchanger Material Handling Improvements
Design of a Smart Containment System and SOC Model for Battery Backup Units
Design of a Long Range Heavy Payload Drone
Design of a Next Generation Patient Blood Management Analysis System
Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater Design for Mitigating Elm Street Brook Flooding
2019-2020: In collaboration with personnel at the Northampton, MA Department of Public Works (NDPW), the student team developed a viable solution to reduce the occurrence of flooding on Elm Street in Northampton. Flooding along this particular stretch of roadway is…
Design, Testing, and Evaluation of a Vibration Dampening System for Attic Accessways above an Historic Plaster Ceiling
2019-2020: In collaboration with personnel at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) and Goody Clancy (the architectural firm representing the client) the student team investigated the issues an historic church was having with plaster damage and deterioration. The lath and plaster…
Design of Multiple Engineered Large-Wood Structures for In-Stream Habitat and Bank Stabilization
2019-2020: In collaboration with personnel of Trout Unlimited (TU), and local consultants, the student team researched current river restoration practices and designed remediation measures for several sites along a one-mile reach of the West Branch North River in Heath, MA.…
Hydraulic Design of an Improved Fishway Entrance for Alosines
2019-2020: In collaboration with personnel from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) the student team researched fish passageway design, with special emphasis on the entrance to fishways. The goal of the project was…