I am an applied mathematician who works on interdisciplinary projects that are motivated by biological questions. In my work, I build tractable mathematical models that still capture the underlying biological processes. To gain insights into unanswered biological questions, I use a wide variety of applied mathematics tools such as dynamical system and bifurcation theory, stochastic processes, and simulations. Some recent projects include studying biochemical regulation of cell motility in cancer cells, modeling stem cell divisions during developments and analyzing patterns emerging from social interactions during animal foraging.
Send me an email to schedule an appointment to discuss opportunities in applied mathematics, at Smith and beyond.
Nessy Tania
Associate Professoraddress:
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Smith College
Clark Science Center, 44 College Lane
Northampton, MA 01063
office: Burton 312
phone: (413) 585-3590
e-mail: ntania (at) smith (dot) edu
Mathematics and Statistics at Smith
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