Homework for Week 1

  1. The order of a permutation w is the minimal positive integer k so that wk is the identity. (This is the same as the order of w in the multiplicative group of permutations). Find the order of the following permutations in Sn:
    1. (1234) when n=4
    2. (12345) when n=5
    3. (123...r)(r+1)(r+2)...(n) when r is at most n
    4. (1234)(567) when n=7
    5. (12345)(67) when n=7
    6. (1234)(56) when n=6
    Any conjectures? Can you prove any of your conjectures?
  2. An element g in a (multiplicative) group G is generated by the elements g1, g2, ..., gk if g can be written as a product of the gi and their inverses. For instance (13) is generated by (12) and (23) because (13)=(12)(23)(12). The group G is generated by the elements g1, g2, ..., gk if every element in G is generated by g1, g2, ..., gk.
    1. Find a set of generators for S3. (Prove.)
    2. Find a set of generators for S4. (Prove.)
    3. Can you find a set of generators for Sn? Can you prove it?
    4. Can you find a different set of generators fof Sn? Can you prove it?

Due Friday 1/31